Size me up and cut me down, cut me down to size
Up from something down to nothing, nothing in your eyes
Gotta be wrong, you gotta be wrong
you've got to lose some time
Gotta be wrong, you gotta be wrong,
They've got to stand on someone's pride.
I can live without the praise of trust fund punks,
If all the wrong moves shut me out then
i don't ever want to need your love again.
That old kicked feeling comes creeping back
On a mission, blind submission, submission to the pack
Gotta be wrong, you gotta be wrong,
you've got to burn some time
Gotta be wrong, you gotta be wrong,
You're gonna swing for someone's crimes.
Run dry in inner circles. All I ever wanted here was
a history written by the loser.
If I'm nothing, give me nothing.
You've got to lose some time
They've got to stand on someone else's throat
(so why not mine?)
"Don't save your words, son, spend them everywhere
It's a coward counts his words,
and slips them out when the coast is clear.
So lay your hateful burden down everywhere you can
They don't have to like it and they don't have to understand."
Gotta be wrong, you gotta be wrong,
You've got to lose some time
And the ones you throw away -
the rejects are mine.
I've got a superstitious friend,
Says he knows what happens after The End
When all the stars and the avatars descend.
Got strangers in my house, run and hide when the moon comes out,
They've got a different God for every doubt.
And All of His Biggest Fans - Making Their Sunday Plans
And All of His Biggest Fans - Going to Meet the Man
Superstitious times, got it in for all suspicious minds
Come In My Son and Leave the World Behind
Got heathens in my house, kneel and pray when the son comes out
And speak in tongues & take up snakes in self-made altered states
And there's no place for me in their houses of the holy.
Superstitious friend, I've got a superstitious friend
Says he knows what happens after the afterlife -
But I'm just trying to make it through tonight.
Every time you turn around,
something waiting there to shut you down
the safety goes and you don't know when
or what's gonna come and set it off again.
Got any sharps we should know about?
You get one phone call so make it count.
Like any stress case off the street.
Process, tranquilize and repeat.
Tell my head what to feel.
Tell my head this isn't real
Go back to the grind and wait for the time
Next tremor comes down the line.
Digging deep down in the vaults
Grabbing on to anything that holds,
Any nerve thats still alive down there.
Reach your hand into the hole, come up with broken bits of
the proof you're looking for, that you were ever anywhere at all.
Your '79s. The innocence of simpler times.
You can't have them back,
But could you build this room from scratch if you tried?
Close your eyes, cross over to the other side.
Can you bring him back to life? Recreate Initial State?
I remember everything, and I want the fixtures back.
If I can shut out everything I know,
I'd trade it all - to conjure one morning of life
When all was happy oblivion and nothing was your problem yet.
You know you can't have it all,
But down in the hole, you can lose yourself in shadow worlds.
What you resist persists, what you look at disappears.
Then what is this you're fighting? There's only smoke and mirrors here.
You're all alone in a long dead broken home
Staring down the boy lost in a midnight move so many lives ago.
In a living room encased in formaldehyde,
The body floats, stares right back into your eyes
And he says "Sir can't you take me with you?
I've been here all these years.
There's nothing tactile in this room."
He says "Sir please take me with you.
I am your missing proof.
We'll take the other side
and bomb it all back to the womb."
Close your eyes. Crawl inside.
All your spells can't bring him back to life.
Knuckle dragger DNA,
Low brow and a heavy hand.
From Joan of Arc to the Son of Sam,
You deny your early man?
It must be nice to come from gods
But me and mine, made out of apes.
What witchery is this? A shovel and carbon dating kit.
These bones, a satanic plot to undermine your Truth as fraud.
Oh how'd you ever get so smart?
It must be nice to come from gods
But me and mine, made out of apes.
These blunt old tools still get it done,
For me and mine...the throwback elite
You want to argue faith with a mirror in the dirt?
You want to fuck with Darwin's sons?
Bury the proof? It already was.
Weren't you the ones who said "Dust To Dust"?
20-20 Hindsight, 1060 heart. I'm big on words but not so smart.
Only two eyes to keep the watch, two hands to lock the doors and
you gotta sleep some time, trust any obliging floor.
Four wheels and a window, take the blessing with the curse.
We've woken up to better days but we'll live through worse.
You can lock a door but that's all, here or anywhere.
Hungrier mouths will guide more desperate hands
through the best of all your best laid plans.
Do you think so little of time and space?
All these things can be replaced.
And do you think so much of wood and steel?
Only life and death are real - and fuck the rest.
I get homesick for this place
So I'll take the good with the broken glass.
Every time we say this could be the last time & every time we're right
I just want to be with my friends tonight.
And tomorrow they can take the rest.
The cat drags in what time forgot to remember
I never forget this tattered number, You said
Haven't you got anything a little stronger?
Stare into the void of you where time stands still and I know
There aint no modern man for you
Mesmerized by hollow eyes, not healthy I know.
Applause long gone but here I'm hanging on every word
On the dark stage where the script stops
And the tragedy starts to show.
Infatuation high
Fires rise in pinpoint eyes
Like something once beautiful, studied and objectified,
Something old & spat out, you walk in. Oh where you been?
And what were you?
What was this promise that never came true?
Bit parts in forgotten frames, monologues still memorized
incantations to turn back time
I looked you up, I watched them all
Same face same eyes as this reprise
They might be giants, they might be gods,
Or just a damage case on a 30 year drunk,
so check the gate.
There aint no modern man for you
Mesmerized by hollow eyes, not healthy I know.
The applause long gone but here I'm hanging on every word.
On the tightrope where the script stops
and the desperation starts to show.
CNN amnesiac waiting for the earth to crack
Memorize the planted phrase, burn the books, retract the praise
Let the people sink or swim, these polls won't save their skin.
Strength in numbers. Hateful comforts.
We back the winners and bury the others
51%. Your opinion for rent.
I watched horrified as the good things came to light
Because it was everything we ever wanted,
But something still just wasn't right.
Sigh of false relief. Nothing up my sleeve.
Have I helped your disbelief? Well, no.
Only ever have to blind half the people half the time
All the patriotic minds will follow
Duty-bound amnesiac, world war three strapped to his back
Don't ask him who he's for tomorrow -
It's a new day, to stand tall, look down and say
"What spineless bastards all when backed against the wall."
But you were never one of that fearful chorus
At the tail end of alarmists' strings
Who let the breaking news pick our enemies for us,
But if not us then who were they?
And where were these fearless freedom fighters
When a wrong word could land you on a no fly list?
Are we at the part where that was Them and never Us?
Surely you exaggerate. I don't remember it that way.
All but our proudest moments swept under the rug.
A proud history, we get to pick and choose
What to Never Forgive and Never Forget
He says I'd never sink to that. No...I wouldn't sink to that.
I'm more rational, less gullible - a better man than that.
But I could swear the mob was here
Still smell the smoke of mosques on fire
Still see the words washed off the walls
So who were the brave ones that dissolved into the crowd?
The collapsible mob along for the ride
That turns into smoke at the turn of the tide?
Two sides to every fence, and the optimist he says:
Why split hairs in peacetime? Let's celebrate with a new line
And disown it all when the pendulum swings back
And then it's back to the pitchfork, back to the high horse,
Back to trauma politics for all.
Will you remember this when it matters,
Or do you thank your god for a free world
Where nothing goes unscripted anymore?
Just buying time. Tricks of the light.
Are we moving forward, or just side to side?
Yesterday's hero, tomorrow's strung up witch.
Two sides to every fence for the 51%.
Dead eyes made just for violent crimes.
Wanted to give him something nice - to despoil this Silent Night.
Sleeping sister's coming around, be a good girl and keep it down
I'll never let bad things not happen, not happen to you.
One hell of a first time. Take this gift in place of mine.
To deflower and devour. Sweet Halothane dreams
while our parents sleep just feet away
this trip downstairs, last thing you'll never see.
Wake up in Heaven, we've got darker plans down here
and we're just getting started now. I think I see our Number 2.
Locked doors missed curfews, standing gift wrapped on the steps
Tough love lesson she'll never forget - sometimes father don't know best.
What's your name, want a cigarette? Hitch a ride to Kingdom Land?
Start the camera. Start the car. Bad home drove you straight into my arms.
Sweet Halcion dreams, no one's even coming looking for you.
Broad daylight in a parking lot.
I'm lost, do you know the way to hell and back?
Three days is a long time - for a Catholic girl to die
Now Easter dinner calls, and I'm sorry but you've got to go
and there's no more painkillers, just me you and this hammer
They're gonna come looking this time, and they're gonna find
The bodies in the basement piling up
No remorse behind dead eyes
She'll slither away from even this unscathed
Everyone from The Bluffs to the Falls
lived in fear of that car, and a bogeyman
that was only half the true crime.
Black widow - creeps and crawls
Black widow - playing them all.
We got bigger problems now
Throw some gasoline on the fire
My city is a burning ship
Throw another one on the pile
(and burn it up) with the DUIs that never stick
and the punched-out wives that drop the charge
and the racial slurs struck from the record
and all the ones they're too tired to remember
the next business day
Shout em down and shut em out
Crunch the numbers, cook the books
The bums lost, the pigs are in
and if AIDS don't get you the Asians will
I can't take another year.
I can't take another day.
City Hall for the ruling few
For "The People" but not for you.
I'll take the gravy train and the pinkos back
I'll take anything but this.
Fixing the mess or just bending the math?
Pig City - Fat of the Land
Pig City - Bring Me The Head
Pig City, Dragging Me Down.
(City Limits Comp LP 2011 - LINK)
I don't want to be a mess no more
I don't want to live in sin
I don't want to crawl through dirty floors
and pick glass out of skin.
I don't want to piss in bottles no more
I don't want to sleep in vans
And wake up in a parking lot
a thousand miles from home.
I don't want to talk to cops no more
and keep my stories straight.
I don't want to starve and steal no more
to make these ends all meet.
(...Well maybe just this time
One more weekend should be fine...)
I just want to be a mess some more.

We have optioned the past, left no stone unturned
Remade your world to death, so get down or get burned
And everything old is new again...
We. We breathe new death
Into the culture void, we commit this mess
Propped up again - off the screen & down your throat
Cannibalized, dumbed down and resized for easy gain
Money talks as Hollywood eats its own again
Cannibalized, dumbed down and resized for easy gain
In the death mask factory they work around the clock
To keep us safe from the menace of creation
and the threat of new ideas
(if these faithless drones could talk)
You can't dumb it down enough,
you can't insult me if I'm dead
So give me the safe caress of lazy nostalgia trips
and clockwork repackaged scripts -
You can't dumb it down enough,
can't insult me if I'm dead
Propped up again - off the screen and down your throat
Cannibalized, dumbed down and resized for easy gain
Money talks as hollywood eats its own again
Cannibalized, dumbed down and resized for easy gain
They just left it running when nobody asked for more.
What thou hath wrought with these two hands,
the great undoing of every man
The toil of fourteen billion years snuffed out in a flash
They watched the birth with faith devout
They cut the cord and locked you out
She's everybody's baby now - and baby, it's gonna crash.
A big bang that the gods could see.
The fix is in, the Prime Mover is out.
We don't need your sun no more,
we've got 10000 suns down here.
Prometheus in a downward slide,
Hiroshima's sons want to know why
But they changed the locks & won't take your calls
You can't do these ghosts no good at all.
Now I Am Become Death
I had nine lives when I got to this town
and God only knows what it's down to now
But spare the bomb and spoil the child
(I tried to take it back).
He drops his eyes and leans in tight
with words to echo all your nights.
At the first flash of the blinding lights, he says:
"We're all sons of bitches now." Always.
You're a sinking sun. You're a setting sun. The lucky one.
Down. I get down. I get down with the miserable sound.
Soul. I got a soul (but I wouldn't want you to know).
Place - all out of place - up here (I'm) working on my face.
To sink in. To disappear. To be anywhere but here.
And I trace these steps every night, but I can't seem to get it right.
Down. I get down. I get down with the miserable sound.
Soul. I got a soul (but I wouldn't want you to know).
And practice makes a perfect scene of cultivated misery.
Virgin hands and cocaine eyes - Another moth lost in the lights
I've known too many night life deaths to be all that impressed
by another self-styled modern mess. My time it aint worth much I guess
But it's worth something more than this.
Down. I get down. I get down with the miserable sound.
Soul. I got a soul (but I wouldn't want you to know).
Some, I've known some - that can hold their own, but you ain't one.
This nightwatch routine, this played out passed out scene -
It's not the only game in town - I'm twice as lost and just as down,
but I'm not the one that's hiding out from the sun.
So look me up when you get over being so over it all (X2)
Waste my time -You waste my time - Don't waste my time.
If you're looking for your moment, it's coming and it's going going gone -
with the fear of the dawn.
bring your ass in sherbrooke !
will do, dude. once we start playing these shows we're gonna be proper and playing out of town by summer. haven't been to sherbrooke in forever. Drop me a line in a month or so and we'll hook it up.
cool if i can get a date early i will look with ben pepin for other bands + local bands !! and if you have demos (burning love and mature situation) let me know i want to buy one of each !! cheers!
are there any demo's of MS and BL?? already downloaded the songs of the net. If you wanna tour europe let me know.
Are there any demo fellas? I live in Brazil and I want more songs please...
See ya!
Absolutely awesome dudes. Loving the last track!
give me some dates when you are ready to rock sherbrooke
this shit is the shit. please come to milwaukee. nobody likes us here.
Whips - Hey dude, your profile doesn't go to any site I could write your through, but someone (Andrew) in Sherbrooke (is that you?) offered us June 13th with Vile Intent, we're gonna do it, and probably MTL the night before.
Everyone else - thanks! You can get the demos through Nerve Hold (link at right) as of this week, and yeah we are looking into visas for US shows and a bunch of Ontario/Quebec dates in May/June.
Willem - Hey dude. Yeah, Europe sounds nice. You know any good tour managers? Hahah. Hopefully see you soon man.
hey dudeee!!!!!!!!!!
I'm Luca...from Italy! do you remember? Luca & Cecilia!
:-) How are you??? and Bianca???
I listen Burning Love,fucking loud! I think that your sound is totally awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I play in a new band called Vulturum! Two drums and one guitar/voice... listen and tell me what do you think!!!
this is my personal contact: yetythreat@gmail.com
I hope to hear from you soon
Huge kiss and hugs!
Come back here and visit, mother fucker! Or we'll have to come to you! Which would be awesome. We're doing awesome, dude. How about you and Cici? What's your email?
Hiya chaps! Loved the songs, I threw up a link to the demo at http://meatandchips.wordpress.com/ hope that's cool?
Any news on euro dates or more merch coming online?
hehehehe...well yeah i do know a few. I could ask the guy we both know pretty well from amsterdam.
Hope to see you soon aswell man.
P.s did you received my email??
hey he's a really good friend of mine ! so im im held andrew with the show! see you in montreal and sherbrooke !
thanks !!
new york would be good. just sayin'...
burning love was amazing !! so anxious to see you in august with vicious cycle! here's my email whips@live.ca ! the pics are ok i will send them by email!
cheers !
Kilvo did your shows in the UK?! Great guy, he will take good care of you i'm sure of that. I might come over to the UK then to hang out. or if you guys have some days left, i could set up some shows in Holland...i'll avoid Germany :)
I wish Waterloo Ontario was Waterloo, Iowa. I'm sure its tough but bring your ass to the states!
Sweet thank you Kilvo...See you guys in the UK!
guys could you please re-up the internet exploder track :)
hey, i haven't found lyrics for Gain and Morning After Party.. is there any chance, that they will be added? these two are the most ass-kicking tracks on the lp and the lyrics are missing pieces to the folder (and i don't think it's possible for me to wait till i'll buy a vinyl on a gig in prague, ha ha).
thanks a lot - the lp is my guilty pleasure during the university exams.
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