OK. Help us settle something. Maybe it was all the hubbub about the old Skullgina shirt, but there's this new design I've been working on, and most of us and everyone we've showed it to (male and female alike) are pretty stoked on it. But there's some hesitation among the ranks, so I'm curious to know what our people think. Help us out here, please answer this honestly and only once (and keep in mind that reapers aren't gender specific).

At the poll on the right, please answer one of the following:
- I am female and offended by this.
- I am male and offended by this.
- I am female & this doesn't bother me (I'd rock this).
- I am male & this doesn't bother me (I'd rock this).
- I am German. I hate everything you do, Colohan.
...This image is a reworking of an old giallo poster. In my mind anything this far into the realm of the absurd /surreal is beyond the intent of sexual politics. At the same time, I respect that images have power, psychological connections and do tell stories. So please, no dissertations over 500 words, but tell us what you think. It'll decide whether we make this shirt or not.
---- EPILOGUE ----
I suck at making Polls that work, but the response was overwhelming in favor of the shirt. It shall be so. Thank you. Case Closed.
I think this is awesome. Old fashioned horror movie cover like shirt, sounds perfect to me.
* I'd rock it.
yeah, id pay top dolla for a shirt like this,
blatantly print it!
it's brilliant.
i'm female and i'd rock it!
Its amazing. I am a girl. I would wear it. Make it, do it. I want one.
( I am also pretty sure Im not German... Just sayin').
Awesome. But i'll wear it only if you come to Croatia. Haha. No seriously.I'm non-German female and i'd rock it.
Great shirt design, I'd order two so I could cut the sleeves off one for the beach and use the other for more practical events like bar shows and informal family dinners.
Post Script
It would be awesome to have Burning Love play Calgary in the next few months.
That shirt is fucking badass! I like the red on the lettering too.
I'll take one!
I'm a women's studies major and think this is awesome. Would wear it.
it fucking awesome M. colohan
when are you touring germany?
I'm pretty sure D'Arcy will be wearing this shirt, and he's prrrrrretty German.
i am german, i love everything you do, colohan.
I am male & this doesn't bother me (I'd rock this).
I'm german and still have to develop some hate or crush on you, Colohan. I like the design and would love to see a special German version with Freud's head as the O in love.
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