Wow. The nostalgia circuit is in fuckin overdrive but finally in a good way. All the obvious retro cash-ins have run their course and it's given way to another wave of the few real credible bands playing real hardcore shows for better reasons. I kind of can't believe we're playing with Crass, Unbroken and Citizen's Arrest all within one month, but then I can't think of 3 bands that have meant much more to me, as different as their scenes and eras were, so I'm not complaining.
Here's everything we have coming up. Thanks everyone that's written for your support. As I said, we're really far in the hole from the events of last year, so we won't be doing as much this year, but we're definitely still going to do (shorter runs of) both east and west coasts once, and a lot of weekends/fests in between. Meantime we're writing some new songs for another EP, and putting out a live split LP with Coliseum. Here's the shows, there's some more pending through the spring so check back and I'll update this as I have it. Thanks y'all.
02.03.11 - Toronto: Parts & Labor w/Baptists & Black Lungs
03.11.11 - Montreal: Olympia Theatre with Steve Ignorant's CRASS,
Skull & Bones (members of Inepsy) +1 TBA
03.12.11 - Toronto: Wrongbar w Citizen's Arrest,Haymaker,Career Suicide
04.09.11 - NYC - Santos Party House w/Unbroken, Jesuit +many
US shows with Nails, All Pigs Must Die & New Lows:

3/31 Boston, MA @ Great Scott 9pm 18+
4/1 Brooklyn, NY @ Union Pool 8pm 21+
4/2 Philadelphia, PA @ The Barbary 3pm All Ages
There's still a lot to say and people to thank in regards to Europe. Despite the weather and a few setbacks, the tour was a great experience and again, Mike Persil is a champ. If anyone's looking for the European version of the SFBL LP (/500, alternate cover), you can get what's left of them from Reflections. As for 2011, it was such a blast but holy hell are we broke as fuck. Unless we find a bag of solid gold bars somewhere, 2011 is looking like it's not going to be as tour heavy as last year, but we're making our plans. Thanks for everybody that booked shows/tours and let us sleep on their floor last year.
Sorry to hear you're too broke to tour much in '11. Definitely appreciate the effort made in getting over to Europe again. Thanks
It's a shame you guys are low on income but, hopefully me and some friends can catch you guys again in Montreal! Seeing you twice in NS was good enough but, I mean....C'MONNNN!
Make it happen, best of luck!
Thanks again for the awesome show in Copenhagen. Hope to see you back in Europe in 2011, regardless of lack of cash. Ill hope to be able to help you out with a place to stay then. Jakob
Oh, and that is one sweet tour.
You guys are still playing the Unbroken show, right?
Bad news for Burning Love, good news for me ... broke Burning Love means more Toronto shows for me!!!
Seriously, I wish you guys all the best. Thanks for making good music.
Hey guys, if you ever wanna make your way down to Virginia and need a show in Virginia Beach or Richmond, please contact me.
- Christian
Please play the Whitney house in Hartford, CT during this time period. You can email me at if you want this to happen. If not, no biggie, ill see ya at one of these dates.
Next time you hit Europe, please come by Sweden. I'll put you up in Gothenburg any time of the year.
miss you fuckers! hope to see you across the pond as soon as humanly possible! hugs and kisses from italy. happy 2011
Chris, I still have that literature list for you plus exciting news on Erdnussflips, so get in touch. cheers, alexarmageddon.
come to finland
love your music, for real
wish u guys could come to south america
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