URGENT - Tonight in Quebec City moved to a bar, 310 Rue De la Couronne (8PM). And yes, we are still playing Catacombes tomorrow. And we'll have a new batch of tapes for both.
We've been in Montreal since Sunday. Our van Crystal took a shit and died outside Ottawa almost a week ago now, after the angry spirit of a bird we killed started roaming somewhere under the hood. Friends helped us get from there to the Sherbrooke and Friendship Cove shows, and we cut our losses, stayed here and wrote songs all week so as to rejoin forces with Vicious Cycle tonight and tomorrow. Sorry to everyone further east about those few shows we missed. Acts of God, you know? In a related story, we'll be playing a shit-ton of shows coming up to try and make back the epic van repair bill, so stay tuned for the whole list and details.
(see Comments for the whole story)
EPILOGUE - Would you even believe me if I told you it got a lot more complicated after that? Doesn't matter. These things are trifles. We got to QC and it fucking ruled. We are currently in the loving arms of Dan Omegas and JTA, eating probably the best burritos ever invented. But Crystal may be dead. And you know, good riddance. We're renting a van to get home, and may have to torch Crystal while passing through. In a related story, anyone in the Ottawa area want a free van? Needs a little TLC? Huh? Little TLC? Hey? Just a little? Hah? OK, last show with VC coming up right now. The Bovine show is official, Tuesday September 8. No cover. No inhibitions. No age limit. Do it.

With Vicious Cycle

08.08 - Toronto, ON @ Siesta Nouveaux
08.09 - Hamilton, ON @ the Casbah Lounge
08.10 - Sarnia, ON @ Trinity Lounge
08.12 - St. Catharines, ON @ 73 St.Paul
08.13 - Waterloo, ON @ Commotion House
08.14 - Ottawa, ON @ Cafe Dekcuf w/I Refuse (19+)
08.15 - Sherbrooke, QC at Bar Le Saloon
08.16 - MTL @ Friendship Cove w/Castavets, Kraken...

...& BLDNGS. 8-12 $6 AA. 215A Rue Murray
08.17 - (tba - Moncton NB)
08.18 - Halifax @ Rock Garden. 7PM $7
08.18 - Halifax @ Coconut Grove
08.19 - Charlottetown, PEI @ Benevolent Irish Society
08.20 - Quebec City - Bar De La Couron
08.21 - Montreal, QC @ Katacombes
09.08 (Tues) - Toronto @ The Bovine (19+/11:45)

Quebec Weekend:
Thank you to Martin & Vile Intent, Omegas, Spoiler, Friendship Cove, Castavets, Andrew & Brazen Hell, Whips, the Pepins, Mark KPP and the Artel in Kingston, Facepavement, everybody else involved in this weekend, and farting. It was a blast. Some of the below August cities/dates are still falling into place, so keep checking back for the proper info as it comes down the line. Here's an interview Hardtimes did outside the Friendship Cove show (and Germans, before you even start - it's a fucking JOKE!) After that, you can scroll down to the very bottom to see "Blow-Up II", a special short film we made just for you.
05.29.09 London ON at Call The Office
with VCM, The Proof, Lash Out & Shithawks. 19+ 9PM $5!
06.12.09 Montreal at Friendship Cove
with Vile Intent, Totally Stoked (Ireland), Omegas. (AA)
06.13.09 Sherbrooke QC at Le Saloon (244 Dufferin)
with Vile Intent, Brazen Hell, They Were Us
06.14.09 Kingston ON @ the Artel (205 Sydenham St)
bands tba. $5-10 sliding scale. All Ages
You can get BL shirts, of the design at top right, from Shirtkiller.
Click that shit to get the goods. They'll also have the tapes and ltd colour of the 7" when it's out.
Here's a clip from the 751 Show, thanks to Adam Sewell for this, and everyone that played that night, it was an awesome time.
The tape is out, the record is coming, new jams are in effect,
more shows are being booked and much good shit is going dooowwwwnnn...
Canadian Tire parking lot somewhere outside Ottawa (and definitely nowhere near Sherbrooke, much less Fredericton and beyond) - Personally, I blame the dead bird. We saw it mashed up in our grill last night just before we played. Totally intact but stuffed impossibly into a crack in our grill. We had to pick it out and took turns tearing delicate little wings and other parts of it off trying to get it out in one piece. That sucked. Anyhow we got to see old friends and had a great breakfast in Ottawa with friends and were on the road about an hour in when something deep inside our van Crystal snapped. On the roadside the rad fluid was bubbling over with heat and some indeterminate shit had melted. About an hour later, when it had cooled but still wouldn't start and after all our tricks had failed, a tow truck arrived, but with room for only 2, so 3 of us walked back about 5 miles into town. It was actually a pretty fun day, people here are really friendly and there's an annual cheese festival tonight that the locals are pretty siked about. Oh yeah, and the van they say couldn't be fixed today. Oh yeah, and they're closed tomorrow. We were resigned to our fate, to either sleep in the parking lot or walk to a motel, but our ass was saved by our friend Andrew from Brazen Hell who is currently driving from Sherbrooke to (here?) to get us there in time to play. The Canadian Tire is closed but the people were sweet, and they let us keep it indoors until then. But us and all our gear and shit are currently in a parking lot as the sun goes down. Tomorrow Martin from Vile Intent is going to help us get to Montreal, then back here on Monday to hopefully get the fixed van on the road in time to drive straight to Fredericton. Depending on the news, and the bill, it might or might not happen, but we're definitely getting to Sherbrooke and Friendship Cove, much thanks to our good bros. From there we'll see. But we've definitely learned one thing today. If you're lying down in the sun on a cardboard box and you're all so tired and sunbaked and bored that you think it'd funny to tell me to fart in your mouth - make sure you mean it. Because you are going to throw up in a Canadian Tire parking lot. For realsies.
9:30PM - Adam from Brazen Hell and Jerome from Brazen Hell entourage do the unbelievable and drive from Sherbrooke to get us, we hit construction on the way back that puts us beyond midnight, which in this world usually means you've missed the end of the show by hours. But not in Sherbrooke, luckily. Brazen Hell tears a hole through the place as always and we play probably our best show ever until 2 in the morning. Which is funny, because that's how bars are supposed to be but it rarely works that way.
3AM - Andrew's - Rowdy Belated Pool Party Redux with Vicious Cycle, Brazen Hell, Castavets dudes and one of two Pepins representing. Many cannonballs and good times. We get to sleep in a cold, dark basement, which is so fucking perfect and well-deserved for all parties involved.
Sunday - Breakfast and more pool partying in the already baking noonday sun, while we all still have the luxury of it. Martin from Vile Intent, the mastermind who orchestrated our escape from Canadian Tire in the first place, who lets it slip that he sorrrrt of a freshwater marine biologist, making him not only the sweetest guy alive but also retardedly smart, gets us and our gear from Sherbrooke to MTL. We head to Friendship Cove, so stoked to be returning to play that spot again, and play a really fun show with Castavets (but actually getting to see them shred), Kraken and DC's BLDGS. Somewhere through the night we remember that while the kindness of good friends got us and our gear there, our van Crystal in still in Castleman Ontario, 2 hours backwards. It is starting to look mathematically if not economically impossible that we're going to get back to the van even if it's done first thing Monday morning, and get to Fredericton 12 hours away, in time to play.
First Thing Monday Morning - So, Crystal has some problems, and she's not going to be ready today at all. Oh yeah, and she's going to cost $900 to fix (just for proportion, we payed $650 for her). We decide to be stranded in Montreal for the week and pick up a more feasible Quebec City show in a backyard on Thursday where we can regroup with Vicious Cycle en route for the last show of the tour here on Friday, only missing the 3 furthest of shows on account of the exploded van.
We're Here All Week, Folks -
We take it as an opportunity, since we were supposed to be away and not sandwiched between our different work schedules and all the distractions and obligations of home. We hunker down at Vile Intent's practice space and write the LP songs all week. I don't think any of us have ever spent a whole 9 hour day practicing before. It's been really productive, 3 new songs done and most of 2 others. We are still homeless, sleepless and penniless but are getting back to Castleman this morning to get Crystal, get back here and get to QC. Cross your fingers, all.
Oh yeah. And to any irony-loving interviewers, please be advised that we are currently experiencing a 75% chance that I will rip your cock off and shove it up your ass if you make a clever joke involving the word "Cursed".
All the Best,
Thanks - Martin & Vile Intent, Sherbrooke, Jerome, Adam, Andrew & Brazen Hell, Castavets, Friendship Cove, Mark, Taylor, Knightbus & Jay, Nick & Barnburner, Phil Tremblay, Olympico, Le Pick Up, Vegan Peanut Butter Squares, Shan Hyland, Guillaume (QC), Scallen, Pascale...Canadian Tire, the dead bird and Crystal - you nasty, nasty bitch.
THAT BLOWS!!! But you know none of this would have happened if you had given that kamikaze bird a proper burial.
hola amigo. yo soy casey de los castevets.
if you need to reach me about show or anything, email me at caseyscheibling@gmail.com
Hey Chris, I've been looking for some more private contact info for you but I can't find any so I figured I'd go for the blog. I'm working on a new 'zine and was wondering if you would be interested in writing something. Get in touch if your interested, I'm not a fan of massive long comments so get in touch and I've got plenty else to say. Thanks for your time. -James.
James - sorry, I'm just seeing your comment now. If you want to leave me your email I'll get in touch about an interview. CC
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